The Performance of CPU
Computer Science HOME
- The Performance of CPU
- The number of transistors
- Quantity of the data/an instruction
- Size of L1, L2 Cache
- Memory bus speed
- Internal clock speed (The number of instructions /a second)
(If internal clock speed is 1GHz,
the time which is needed for an instruction is 0.000000001 second!)
- Moore’s Law
There is a famous prediction called "Moore's Law".
It was made by the computer technician Gordon Moore in 1965, and it says that
"The numbers of transistors on computer chips will double every eighteen months."
In 1971, the 4004 chip that Intel made had only 2,250 transistors,
but now The Intel Pentium 4 chip has 42 million transistors.
The performance of CPU also progressed with the increase in the number of transistors.